Website Disclaimer
All information, presentations and any other material (“Content”) provided by Oasis Estates (including its directors, employees, associates, agents and any other person for whom we are vicariously liable)(“Oasis Estates”, “we”, “our”, “us”) are general advice and are not a substitute for professional financial or property specific advice. Our Content does not take into account the individual’s circumstances or the individual’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Oasis Estates do not provide financial services and we are not licensed to provide financial advice under the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 (Cth). You should seek advice from an independent qualified advisor and/or any other financial or property expert prior to implementing any investment program. Each individual intending to purchase property should assess their suitability of any investment in the property in light of the purchaser’s own needs and circumstances, which the purchaser can do personally or by consulting an appropriately licensed financial adviser. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Oasis Estates provides no warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or suitability of the Content for individual circumstances. Oasis Estates may receive a referral from developers or vendors of the prospective properties. Property information included in our Content may have been provided by the vendor/developer.